Disaster resilience trial for the Huon

Four Fridays of extensive workshopping have resulted in a Disaster Resilience Action Plan for the Geeveston and Port Huon community, with community groups, businesses and members joining the workshop to help create a plan for the whole community.

As part of three communities in a new Red Cross pilot project, Geeveston was selected to trial the creation of a disaster resilience plan catered to the Geeveston community, with locals and local groups invited to provide their input on how best to increase disaster resilience and planning in their own community.

While initial workshops provided ample opportunity for discussions of resilience, potential disasters and their impacts and analysing the current sitation, the final workshops allowed communities to brainstorm and prioritise their ideas for strengthening local resililence and create action plans to implement on their own.

For the full story, pick up the latest copy of the Huon News or subscribe here for a digital version. 
