It appears the community radio career of popular host Andy Waterhouse is over.
The Huon and Kingston FM committee decided at a meeting last week to expel Mr Waterhouse from the association.
It found that Mr Waterhouse had discussions with another member of the association which centred on setting up another community radio station in the Huon and Kingborough municipality.
Mr Waterhouse vehemently denies the allegation.
When the allegation was unearthed in February this year, the committee stripped Mr Waterhouse of his presidency while he maintained his on-air role hosting his regular weekly 'Point of View' program.
That was until a fortnight ago when the committee suspended him from his on-air role following an interview with Dover businessman, Mr Neville Boulton, who was critical of some members, past and present of the Huon Valley Council.
Mr Waterhouse also spoke of the difficulty he had gaining access to Mayor Sally Doyle on his program while she conceded to requests for interviews on other programs at the station.
Following that interview, the podcast was removed from the air along with Mr Waterhouse who was suspended.
Now he has been expelled.
Mr Waterhouse has seven days to appeal the committee's decision.
Huon News attempted to contact Huon and Kingston FM, president Mrs Helen Lindsay, for comment but those attempts have been unsuccessful.